
The Room Server service consists of a number of objects that work together to route messages to either the command and control interface on the server itself, or to other peers.

Object Graph of Client-Server

RoomClient Connections

The NetworkScene itself does not create any connections.

In the Ubiq sample code, the RoomClient is responsible for making the initial connection to the rendezvous server. The RoomClient has a pre-shared IP and port, which it assumes points to an endpoint with a Room Server running. The Ubiq server Nexus runs a Room Server.

When RoomClient starts up, it instructs the NetworkScene to make the connection. The underlying connection may be over TCP, WebSockets, or any other supported protocol. Once established the NetworkScene will assume it can be used to exchange Ubiq messages however.

On the server, new connections are wrapped with a RoomPeer object. The RoomPeer is able to parse Ubiq messages. It also has references to the global RoomServer object. The RoomPeer acts as a gatekeeper. It parses messages intended for the RoomServer and calls the appropriate APIs. Other messages it forwards to the Room it is a member of.

The APIs it invokes in response to RoomClient messages will cause the RoomServer object to move the RoomPeer between different rooms (or remove it from all rooms).